November 2021 marks the third anniversary of the founding of La Société des Fontaines Wallace as a registered association loi 1901. Much has been accomplished, even with the setbacks due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have launched an informative website, published a guidebook to the fountains, initiated a newsletter and introduced a social
media presence.
In addition, we have worked tirelessly to make connections and cooperate with individuals and organizations that share common interests. Along with the City of Paris, Eau de Paris, GHM-Eclatec and the Bagatelle Foundation, SFW is a significant participant in Fontaines Wallace 2022, the 150th anniversary celebration of the Wallace Fountains of Paris to take place in the fall of 2022.
We also established the Wallace Fountain Award, which will be presented to an individual who practices philanthropy in the spirit of Sir Richard Wallace at a gala event in September 2022.
All this work has been done by volunteers. Most of our expenses relate to expertise required for development and management of the website, social media and print
publications. Our income is from donations, sponsorships and membership in Friends of the Wallace Fountains. You can help us by becoming a volunteer or Friend of the Wallace Fountains.